Academic work 
  1. General provisions

1.1 The educational part is a structural subdivision of the Educational institution “Linguistic College”.

1.2 The educational part is created in order to improve the organization, coordination and control of the educational process at the college.

1.3 The educational part in its activities is guided by: the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, the State General Education Standard of Technical and Vocational Education, state programs for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Standard rules for the activities of types of organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, Standard rules for the ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate and final certification of students, Standard qualification characteristics positions of teaching staff and persons equated to them, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other regulatory legal acts on education, internal labor regulations, orders and orders of the director of the college, decisions of the pedagogical and methodological councils, this Regulation.

1.4 The academic part is headed by the Deputy Director for Academic Work, appointed and dismissed by the order of the director of the college.

1.5 The training unit consists of: Deputy Director for Academic Work, Head of the training unit.


  1. Tasks of the training part

The following tasks are assigned to the training part:

2.1 Implementation and monitoring of compliance with the requirements of the State General Education Standard of Technical and Vocational Education.

2.2 Monitoring and control of the educational process, implementation of curricula and programs in the specialty in accordance with the needs of the labor market.

2.3 Coordination of the activities of the subject cycle commissions in order to ensure high-quality training of graduates.

2.4 Timely execution of instructions, orders of the director, deputy directors concerning academic work.

2.5 Maintenance, preservation, archiving of educational documentation.


III. The direction of the activity of the educational part

3.1 Preparation of documentation for the preparation and execution of schedules of the educational process, schedules of training sessions, consultations, electives, intermediate and final certification, monitoring of their implementation.

3.2 Formation of the academic load of the subject cycle commissions and the pedagogical load of college teachers on the basis of working curricula and the contingent of students.

3.3 Monitoring the implementation of orders and orders of the Director of the college and the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs on planning, organization and management of the educational process.

3.4 Dispatching work: replacement of absent teachers, accounting for replacements, informing about the replacement of teachers and students, distribution of the classroom fund.

3.5 Preparation of materials for the final certification of students in the specialty.

3.6 Accounting for the movement of the contingent; preparation of materials for the order to transfer students to the next course, deductions (for academic and financial debt) and restoration.

3.7 Timely submission of necessary documentation to the accounting department (monthly report cards of full-time teachers, part-time teachers).

3.8 Maintaining an electronic database of college students.

3.9 Issuance of progress books and student cards to students of the new set of groups and control over the registration of all courses of study, certificates, copies and extracts from documents.

3.10 Checking the journals of theoretical training, the quality and regularity of their filling.

3.11 Maintaining books for issuing diplomas, duplicate diplomas, academic certificates.

3.12 Ensuring control over compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations by college teachers.

3.13 Preparation of reports on the implementation of the teaching load by teachers at the end of the academic year.


  1. Rights and obligations

4.1 In order to implement the tasks and perform the assigned functions, the educational part has the right:

– To request and receive from the structural units of the college information, reference and other materials necessary for the implementation of the activities of the educational part.

– Monitor the conduct of classes by college teachers.

– Require teachers to follow the schedule of classes, consult and keep journal entries in strict accordance with the instructions.

– Require teachers to submit examination materials no later than one month before the examination session for approval by the SCC.

– Take measures when violations of the organization of the educational process and internal labor regulations are detected.

– Make suggestions to the college management to improve the quality of the educational process.

4.2 The training part must:

– Timely bring to the attention of the administration, the SCC, the curators of the groups the received official information.

– Timely provide information for the placement of educational documentation (schedules of the educational process, schedule of classes, etc.) on the college’s website.

-To carry out constant monitoring of the educational process at the college.

– To prepare all accounting documents efficiently and in a timely manner.

– To introduce personal and statistical accounting of the contingent of students.


  1. Responsibility of the staff of the training unit

The staff of the training unit are responsible:

5.1 For timely and high-quality performance of tasks and functions defined by this Regulation.

5.2 For the accuracy of the information provided to the college administration, higher and supervisory authorities.

5.3 For compliance with the established rules of use and work with documents.

5.4 For compliance with labor and performance discipline.