Methodological work 

Methodological work

The work of the methodological service in the 2021-2022 academic year will be focused on the implementation of the strategic directions for the development of the college, identified as priorities:

  • as a result of the analysis of the work of the previous academic year:
  • provide scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the SES;
  • to promote the creation of the necessary conditions for the development and implementation of modern educational and educational technologies;
  • to promote the growth of pedagogical skills of teachers, the disclosure of their creative potential in the conditions of innovative activity, to improve pedagogical skills in mastering new educational technologies;
  • to intensify the work of teachers on the topics of self-education, to promote the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

The purpose of the methodological service in the 2022-2023 academic year is to improve the level of pedagogical skills of teachers through self-education, advanced training, the exchange of relevant pedagogical experience, the introduction of innovative educational technologies into the educational process.