Linguistic Club 


In a dispute, the truth is born, but not only it. Along with it, the ability to use language as a means of thinking is born. When expressing one’s point of view and its argumentation in English, there is a stronger, more in-depth, more complex structure of language acquisition. Isn’t that what every “eternal” English student aspires to? 

It was based on the above experience that an attempt was made to create a discussion club. This program of the English language lovers club is aimed at students of the 1st year of the Linguistic College. At this stage of training, teenagers show great social activity aimed at on the assimilation of certain patterns of behavior and values, they strive to perceive new, interesting things, their memory develops in the direction of intellectualization, memorization acquires a purposeful character, speech becomes more manageable and developed. At the same time, during this period, they have a sharp drop in interest in the subject due to the increasing complexity of the educational material and the general educational load. The limited number of school hours and the scope of the school curriculum do not allow to fully satisfy the interests of adolescents. This program is designed to resolve these contradictions.In addition, communication is an exciting and informative process necessary for personal growth.


 The club’s classes are designed for 35 hours (1 hour per week) and will be held once a week. Classes are held both in traditional and non-traditional mode. We emphasize that for the development of students’ communicative competence, the formation of public speaking skills, dialogic and monologue speech skills, it is advisable to use interactive technologies when teaching English. The most effective interactive technologies, in our opinion, are discussions, role-playing games, which the club assumes. The program provides classes of a combined nature, since English belongs to the group of practice-oriented items.