For the students 
Linguistic  College

“The work of a translator is a creative work, but at the same time it requires from a specialist not only knowledge of a foreign language, but also a brilliant command of speech.”

 Professional practice is organized according to the following types:

Educational and technological practice with theoretical training – consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge of students.
Educational and technological practice with practical training – instilling practical skills of oral, written and simultaneous translation.
Professional practice is carried out on the basis of contracts with enterprises, organizations and institutions. Due to the difficulty of organizing professional practice in one or more places, contracts are drawn up (in most cases) individually.
Pre-graduate practice – work with methodological and other literature, textbooks, analysis of research papers in order to collect material for course and project work.

College graduates have the following translation skills: English-Russian-English;  English- Kazakh –English

Professional practice includes the following types:

– to acquire a professional skill, an educational practice is conducted;

– to acquire professional skills in translation, educational and technological practice is conducted with theoretical and practical training;

– for the competent solution of any professional tasks in the translation business and the acquisition of experience that allows you to effectively carry out professional activities, professional practice is carried out.

    For a number of years, the following organizations have been the bases of the practices of the Educational institution “Linguistic College”:

1. Казахский Университет международных отношений и мировых языков им.Абылай хана
2. ТОО «Barkhan Tours & Edutainment»
3. ТОО «Zerek Group»
4. ТОО «QazaqGeography»
5. ТОО «Arnai Touts»
6. ТОО «Arnau Tour Kazakhstan»
7. ТОО «Туристско- информационный центр г.Алматы при управлении туризма»