International cooperation and internship  

The Linguistic College carries out a lot of work on international cooperation. Thus, for the first time in Kazakhstan, the Flex Abroad program was implemented, which gives American high school students the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of Kazakhstan. During the 2021-2022 academic year, the college cooperated with the American Council in Almaty. The work carried out was evaluated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Education of Almaty and, on the recommendation of the American Council, two American schoolchildren are studying in the 2022-2023 academic year in the Educational institution “Linguistic College”. Those students are:

  1. Alvis Richard Bode- California, USA – 104 group
  2. O’Donnel Brigit Maeve- Maryland, USA- 102 group


A meeting of American schoolchildren was also organized with the head of the TSE Department of the Almaty Department of Education – Abishev E.M.

In turn, this program for the first time this year was given the opportunity for college students to participate in this Flex Abroad program.  Therefore, 1st-year students: Zhibinova Venera – 103group, Kurmanalieva Zere -102 group, have already passed two stages of this program. With a positive result, they will be able to study in America.


Also at the stage of signing an agreement with the profile school of Thailand Benienamarchursorn. A delegation from Thailand consisting of 5 employees headed by the director and 4 students visited our college on June 21, 2022. The staff of the Linguistic College is planning a return visit to Thailand.

As part of the study of the international experience of WordSkills, as well as to familiarize themselves with the system of international industry accreditation and certification for participation in the international internship “Experience of developing a system of continuous technical and vocational education in Hungary, Austria and Slovakia based on international WordSkills standards”, the directors of TiPPO colleges of Kazakhstan visited the College of Mechatronics (Vienna, Austria), dual Academy (Bratislava, Slovakia).